"I believe we are making a difference and making it consistently"
Michelle Roach, Founder and Director
We are NBIL: New Beginnings, Improving Lives CIC.
We are passionate about our City, our People, our Home.
We are a like-minded group of individuals with a common goal. We are driven by compassion and an interest in the lives, situation and spirit of local people.
Please explore our site and drop us a line on the contact page to find out more on how we can help you or how you can help us improve the community.

Our Community Store
The NBIL store is located at 63 ROCKY LANE Anfield L6 4BB
Wed 12.30 - 4.30 pm
Thurs 12.30 - 4.30 pm
Fri 9.30 am - 4.30 pm
Low-cost food
We keep our prices as low as possible to help individuals and families manage
Wide choice
With regular offers we stock everything from treats to basics like fresh vegetables. We aim to supply you with a range of cupboard, fresh and frozen groceries.

Filling the gap foodbank is a delivery service created in March 2020 in response to the Worldwide pandemic. Through the years we have identified a need amongst those who are disabled and or vulnerable who can not access a walk in foodbank.
To access our foodbank a professional referral is required.
Deliveries are made across Liverpool every Wednesday and Friday.

As a small grassroots community group our time is spent out in the community helping those who need it. When we do get round to applying for funding we tend to lose out to the bigger organisations with the well known names. Our groups see a high number of participants but we struggle to get funding. What we don't fall short of is... great community spirit and practical support.

Our Mobile Shop

Our NBIL Mobile Shop visits several locations:
10:30am Halles Hub, Ford Lane
1:30pm Urban Scape, Mulgrave St, L8
10:30am Firefit, Upper Warwick St, L8
1:30pm Lifebank, L7
10 items for £5
Free Fruit and vegetables for customers (subject to availability)
Lots of multiple offers
No sign up or membership required. Please bring cash and a carrier bag and you are good to go

The Guardian made a short feature about us

Boxing for adult mental health

Who can attend?:
Women who are suffering with mental ill-health, diagnosed or undiagnosed.
Age 17 + (No maximum age).
Where is it and what time?:
Tuesday Early Session:
Derry's Gym, Addison Way, Liverpool L3 2EW
Tuesday Evening Session:
Anfield Boxing Gym,180c Queens Drive L4 6XD
Who can attend?:
Men who are suffering with mental ill-health, diagnosed or undiagnosed.
Age 17 + (No maximum age).
Where is it and what time?:
Derry's Gym, Addison Way, Liverpool L3 2EW
Monday: 12 pm
Friday: 1.30 pm
How to attend?:
Either through a professional or a self referral. Contact us for more details.

Our 'School Holiday Events' and 'Community Meal'

School Holiday events
NBIL has been a partner of HAF since 2021 and runs a fun and active programme during school holidays. We are proud to offer a wide variety of activities across Liverpool and are able to support children with SEND at our NBIL kids club based at our Rocky Lane premises. Booking is via EEQU and all information on eligibility and booking can be found via MPAC website.
NBIL Community meal
NBIL offers a free warm nutritional 2 course meal every Friday 1pm-3pm (term time) for individuals and families.
The warm space is an opportunity to signpost to other support, from mental health services and help with benefits to giving people energy advice and support. This service has been running since 2022 and gives people a place of safety and connection.

A film about what we do

Our objectives
Our Latest News
There is always something going on... a day at NBIL is never a dull day!
Our Social Media
We are busy, busy, busy... but there is always time for a smile and a selfie.